Athletic Director Minerva
Lizbeth Ordway
Zach Pierson
518-251-2921 Ext. 7
Fall Coaches
BV - Rob Wing & Aaron Chambers
GV - Joe San Antonio
BM - Thomas Zauner
GM - Carly Morano
Cross Country
V - Matthew Brown & Danielle Bonnano
Elementary Soccer
Coach: Faith Gaddis
Forms & Documents
Athletic Announcements
Thank you for all the support you have shown our athletic programs. Your support is key to keeping these programs running and to getting more students involved. The soccer and cross-country seasons were a huge success.
While the cross-country team is still going, others are turning their eyes toward basketball and Nordic skiing.
If your student-athlete has not had a physical in the last year please get one scheduled for them. Please make sure that ALL paperwork is being returned promptly. Coaches, ADs, and School nurses need this information to keep our athletes safe.
As basketball and Nordic approach keep in mind that this is a season of constant changes due to the weather. When changes happen we will do our BEST to get word out.
Please take the time to have a discussion with your athlete about being a good teammate and what that means and requires.
I also want to take a moment to address sportsmanship when it comes to our spectators. We ask that the spectators: let the coaches coach, let the players play, let the officials officiate, and let the spectators be positive. This means cheering in a way that is supportive and doesn’t put anyone down. We want to create a positive environment for all involved. Below is the Section VII policy.
General Information
MCS offers the following sports throughout the school year at the varsity, modified, and some elementary levels.
- Soccer / Cross Country / Basketball / Nordic Baseball & Softball / Tennis
- Weekly Practice Schedules will be posted at Minerva and Johnsburg Schools and will be handed out weekly to team members.
- This is a reminder that we may have holidays that Fall during the sports season. Practices can be scheduled during breaks so please plan accordingly.
- We are all looking forward to seeing some great games and meets.
- Early Practice: A supervised study hall is provided by MCS staff, or in a teacher-supervised homework hall. The school day ends at 2:36. Students are expected to go home at dismissal and return to practice (3:00) or report to the supervised study hall.
- Late Practice: (generally 4:30 in Minerva and 4:400 in Johnsburg) All students MUST go home and return at the designated time.
- Games: The same guidelines apply to students awaiting the start of home games or transportation to away games.
- Behavior: If behavior problems are reported, parents will be called to pick up their child and students forfeit the opportunity to participate in athletics that day. Persistent after-school behavior problems will result in suspension from the team
- Athletic practices are held in Minerva and Johnsburg on a rotating schedule. This schedule is developed weekly by the athletic director, posted in both school locations, and handed out to athletes weekly.
Section VII Spectator Sportsmanship Policy NYSPHSAA Sportsmanship Regulation:
Penalty for being removed from a game or event: Any spectator removed from a game or event will have a minimum penalty of completing the following 2 courses on – Positive Parenting within School Programs & The Parent Seat and a one game suspension before they are allowed to attend any interscholastic event, home or away. Once the courses are completed the spectator will provide the certificates of completion to the athletic department office. Failure to comply will result in an additional suspension. Schools are required to communicate with the offending spectator on the NYSPHSAA Sportsmanship Spectator Expectations. Depending on the severity of the behavior/comments or future disqualifications by the offending spectator, NYSPHSAA and Section VII may get directly involved in the situation. Note: A school may take additional actions above and beyond the prescribed penalties. Recommendation to Section VII districts: The Section VII Athletic Council is recommending that a designated administrator, game chaperone, security or site supervisor be present at each event. If no such person is present, the responsibility lies with the head coach as a district employee.