
Our Drivers
Joe Camara
Kenneth Smith
Joanna Wood


The Bus Driver is responsible for the Bus and for appropriate behavior of students while waiting for, boarding and/or riding on the bus.  Students are to always follow the Bus Safety Rules.  This means that all times Students will comply with instructions from the Bus Driver.

Waiting for the Bus

Be on time!  Plan to be ready to board as the Bus arrives
Wait off the road area
Always watch the Bus as it comes to a stop

Arrival of the Bus

Stand still until the bus has completely stopped
Board the bus safely, quickly, and quietly
Sit in an assigned seat or as the Bus Driver tells you
Be seated comfortably and quickly
Buckle and adjust your seat belt
Please do not act in any manner that will cause the Bus Driver to take his/her eyes from the roadway or mirrors

While the Bus is Moving

Remain seated with your seat belt securely fastened. 
Do nothing that will disturb or distract the driver, or bring harm to others.

This includes

Swearing, abusive or vulgar language
Hitting, touching, or harassing others
Inappropriate gestures or shouting out of Bus window

Students Should Remember To

Keep arms and head inside windows at all times and only open window after getting approval from the driver
Hold all books or belongings or place them securely under the seat

Arrival at Planned Destination
Remain seated until the bus is completely stopped. If seated, unbuckle your seat belt and exit quickly, carefully and in orderly fashion.
DO NOT jump from the first step of the bus.
Remember, you must walk 10 feet in front of the bus if you must cross the road. Wait for the driver to signal clearance for you to cross.
Walk and look both ways as you are crossing.
Elementary students will not dropped off unless the bus driver sees that a parent or guardian is home to supervise the child.